Wednesday, 24 July 2019

MCS Act 1960 Amendment Final Gazzette Dtd 23.07.19

Dear friends,

Pls click on the below link to access final gazzette copy of Maharashtra Coperative Societies Act 1960 as amended w.r.t seperate Housing society provisions .

You may call me on 9820053395/53495 or reach me with your queries on

CA Shilpa Shinagare
President - V- Indus Societies Welfare Association.

Monday, 22 July 2019

Coop Hsg Society GST clarification -Cir No.109 dtd 22.07.2019

Dear Friends ,

The much awaited clarification on Co-operative Housing society GST related issues is issued by GST Dept vide it's Circular No.109 on 22.07.2019

The important clarification wrt exemption limit of RS.7500/- is available upto Rs.7500/- and GST is payable on amount exceeding Rs.7500/- only or the entire Maintenance biling amount if exceeding RS.7500/- is chargeable was the major query even I was getting .

My opinion is being confirmed by the GST Department through this clarification and it's settled now that let's say  if maintenance bill is of RS.8000/- then GST is payable on entire RS.8000/- and not on just 500/- This confusion was created by one of the flyer issued by GST last year.

The other points which are clarified are registration requirements wrt exemption limit   , Input Tax , per unit exemption or per member exemption etc..

Do click on this link to access the circular .

You may connect with me on 9820053395/53495 for further clarification on this or any other GST issues related to CHS.U may  email ur queries to me on .

CA Shilpa Shinagare

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

MH Govt Cir Dtd.03.07.2019 on Roles and Responsibilities of Authorised officers and Administrators

Dear Friends,

Pls click on the link to access the recent circular issued by MH Govt on 03.07.2019 on the roles and responsibilities of the Authorised officers or Administrators etc.

You may call me on 9820053395/53495 or email me on for your queries on the same.

CA Shilpa Shinagare

Friday, 5 July 2019

Dear Friends,

Kindly click on the below link for the GR dtd.4th July 2019 on Revised Redevelopment Guidelines issued under Sec 79A superceding the existing guidelines of 3rd Jan 2009 GR .

You may call me on 9820053395/53495 or email me on for your queries on the same.

CA Shilpa Shinagare

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Salient features of Amended MH Coop Soc Act 1960

Bill to Amend  Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act of 1960 got passed and got gazzetted on 20.06.2019

 Salient features of New Housing Chapter in MCS Act 1960.

1. Elections to the housing societies for less than 250 members to be conducted internally by the society

2. Concept of new members like Joint and provisional members introduced

3. Concept of  Coop Hsg  Association  introduced to facilitate the formation of association of less than 5  societies for conveyance or Deemed conveyance matters .

4. Penalty of Rs.5000 max on Management committee  introduced for not allowing inspections of certain documents u/s 32.

5.Scope of  Sec.32 in inspection of documents widened .

6.Role of  Housing federations widened .

7.  HUF is specially included as person in the definition which was not included earlier .

8. Defaulter  is specifically defined now in the Act itself.

9.Transfer or Transmission  of shares to be effective only if the Dues are paid*  to the society.

10. Various terms  like Allottee, Promoter, Dues, Corpus Fund, Tenant Co-partnership etc.are specifically defined now.

11.Associate member to have right to vote and contest* the Elections *subject to* authority from Original member

12.The reserved posts if vacant then these vacant  posts will not be counted for deciding the strength of the managing committee for the purpose of the quoram for the meeting.

13. A member , if he/she carries on business of letting, subletting and selling of flats*

in the housing society of which he is a Member, then he is *not eligible to contest* the elections.

14. Slight Amendments in section related to Investments of funds*

15. Wordings of Sec.101 changed to include dues for Repairs , construction cost under clause 154B-29

CA Shilpa Shinagare

 Member of Hsg Chapter Committee of Ministry of Coop .MH

Gazzette copy of Amended MH Coop Soc Act wrt Housing society

Dear Friends,

Pls click the link below to view and download the Gazzette copy of Amended MH Coop societies Act w.r.t.Housing societies for which I was part of the committee.

CA Shilpa Shinagare

250 or less than 250 members Coop Housing Society Final Election Rules notified on 07.04.2021

 Dear Readers, The much awaited Final aelection Rules for CHS with 250 or less members is finally notified by the Coop.Dept on 7th April 202...