Saturday, 24 April 2021

250 or less than 250 members Coop Housing Society Final Election Rules notified on 07.04.2021

 Dear Readers,

The much awaited Final aelection Rules for CHS with 250 or less members is finally notified by the Coop.Dept on 7th April 2021. These rules were required to conduct the elections of 250 or less member CHS in accordance with the newly amended MCS Act 1960 whereby a seperate housing chapter is inserted in the patent MCS Act 1960. 

Pls click on the link to access the notification.

Best Regards

CA Shilpa Shinagare

President V Indus Societies Welfare Association -VISWA


All Cooperative society elections postponed till 31st Aug.2021

Dear Readers , 

Due to Covid pandemic the elections to all the Co-op societies in MH are postponed till 31st Aug 2021 by the MH Govt.Notification dated 6th April 2021.

Pls click the link to access the notification 

Best Regards 

CA Shilpa Shinagare

President V Indus Societies Welfare Association -VISWA


250 or less than 250 members Coop Housing Society Final Election Rules notified on 07.04.2021

 Dear Readers, The much awaited Final aelection Rules for CHS with 250 or less members is finally notified by the Coop.Dept on 7th April 202...