Friday, 23 August 2019

Extention of Stamp Duty Amnesty Scheme - Cabinet Decision Dtd.20.08.19

Dear friends ,

Pls click on the link to access the Cabinet decision on Extention of due date for Stamp Duty Penalty Reduction Amnesty scheme from 31st Aug. 2019 to 31st Dec.2019 . 

The Amnesty scheme is also being extended for Non residential properties now which is the best part of it which we all were waiting for since long.

We are expecting an official GR on this by next week probably.

Kindly check Page No.10 of this cabinet decision to access agenda item No.14 of Stamp Duty Amnesty Scheme.

Do get back to me on 9820053395/53495 or email me on for further clarification related to this Stamp Duty Penalty reduction Amnesty Scheme.

CA Shilpa Shinagare
President - V Indus Societies Welfare Association

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