Friday, 27 September 2019

PMC Bank News- Piece of Advice by CA Shilpa's VISWA on Panicky situation faced by CHS

Dear esteemed CA members of CHS,

Greetings from CA Shilpa Shinagare!

After the Punjab and Maharashtra Coop Bank i.e. PMC is brought under 35A direction by RBI, there is panicky situation among the Co-operative housing societies who must have held their term deposits and operating savings accounts or either of them.

We started getting emails and calls from MC members on this crisis situation and hence thought of clarifying certain provisions wrt opening of bank account and also investing the surplus of a cooperative housing society.

👉These provisions are covered by *Sec.70 of MCS Act* on Investments of the funds, the *bye law no.113 on opening of bank account* and Coop Dept *Cir Dtd.05.12.2013* allowing the Coop banks to open an account in nationalised bank rather than previous mandate of having it with a cooperative bank only.

👉As per model Bye law No.113 of CHS, the bank account can be opened in the nearest *State or Dist Coop Bank or a Scheduled Bank having awarded "A" audit classification in last 3 consecutive years**nationalised bank* and *any other mode* as permitted u/s 70 which talks about investments in securities as mentioned u/s 20 of Indian Public Trust Act.

👉So, ideally *private banks are not reffered and hence in my opinion opening of bank account with private bank is not desired and not allowed.*

👉 The housing societies, therefore, should take a collective decision on what sort of option they are going for wrt opening of operative account and the investments.

👉It's my humble submission that the *Managing Committee should take the general body approval* whenever they are *parking or shifting their funds* with a Coop bank and if its being properly discussed and minutised then it can save them from future eventualities like this.

👉Also, as the saying goes, *you should never put all Ur eggs  in one basket* , the managing committee is advised to study, analyse , follow Sec.70 norms and then only select the good , reputed and criteria compliant  cooperative banks for their investments .

👉Also, *tax planning wrt Interest income* is another aspect which is being considered or is being advised by the professionals since *nationalised bank FD income is fully taxable* whereas for *Cooperative Bank FD interest, the societies can claim 100% deduction of interest income u/s 80P* and that saves the tax for the CHS. But, this aspect also, it's advisible to be got it *approved through *general body* to save the future responsibilities as far as MC is concerned.

👉Going one step further, the *recent amendment in Sec.20 of Indian Public Trust, the cooperatives can now invest in mutual funds* also, however, while advising the MC of the societies, *we advise them not to opt for this option upfront or opt only after getting it approved from the General body* making then aware about the pros and cons and *subject to market risk* disclaimer etc.

👉Also, the *investments in Mutual Fund can be restricted to Debt Funds* in my opinion and this thought of mine was upheld by the coop dept officials in our housing chapter committee meetings and infact the then secretary cooperation has unfact advised me to work on this and give an outline so that dept can come out with a notification accordingly for safeguarding the financial assets of the CHS.

👉In nutshell, the managing committee members are advised *not to go overboard* and *too aggressive* as far as investing the funds of CHS are concerned as the *General body has to be taken in confidence.*

👉The *statutory and internal auditors* are advised to give the *alerts and red flags* to the managing committee *well in advance* and make a *valuable addition* to their job profiles.

👉Cooperatives, esp the housing society is an *unorganised sector and hence the professionals like CAs as an auditor, legal and management consultants should be appointed and should be taken on board  by the CHS.

👉 *Professional Management* is something which is one of the *principles of Cooperation* and is being visualised or thought of by the government also while going for *constitutional amendment in 2012.*

👉The Co-operative societies are *advised to spend time on compliances and invest in good human resources* as well...that the need of the hour.

👉Last, but not the least, it's *not only the concern of managing committee* members but it should be *UR Own Concern* when it comes to running the show of a CHS and hence, *Co-operate, Collaborate add Co-exist*...Let's *enjoy every bit* of it *leaving the bitterness* aside.

Jai Sahakar!!!

CA Shilpa Shinagare
President - V Indus Cooperative Societies Welfare Association *VISWA*

Cell: 9820053395/53495

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Self Redevelopment GR benefits to CHS -13.09.2019

Dear Friends,

As a matter of a move to make the CHS happy and as a matter of policy to boost the Self Redevelopment in the old and dilipidated CHS , the MH Govt.has come out with a GR on various proposed benefits and concessions which a Coop Housing Society  Housing can avail if theybare going for Self  Redevelopment .

Some of highlights of Directives for old and dilapidated buildings for more than 30 years old are as follows:

- one window system
- approvals in 6 months
- increase in FSI by 10%
- Plots falling on road less than 9 mtrs can also go for self redevelopment with 0.4 FSI with no premium.
- 50% rebate for TDR
- discount on premiums to be given
- instalments for paying premiums instead of down payment.
- concessions on LUC tax
- concessions in Stamp Duty
- concession in GST
- reduce in open space deficiency premium
- District central bank to act as nodal agencies
- project to be completed in 3 years
- 4% subsidy on interest, thus now interest will be 8.5% p.a.
- tri partiate agreement to be made between Bank, Society & Contractor
 - For quality construction - atleast 3 members committee to be formed -  2 members from society and 1 from Bank.
- special grievance Redressal committee to be formed for any problems/ grievances/ complaints.
- Contractors to be registered
- contractors to submit 3 years balance sheet

Please click on the link below to access the GR which is in Marathi .

Please feel free to reach me on with your general queries on this GR .

You may reach me on 9820053395/53495 between 6pm to 7.30pm

Best Regards
CA Shilpa Shinagare
President - V Indus Societies Welfare Association 

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Stamp Duty Penalty Reduction Amnesty Extention GR Dtd.31.08.2019

Dear friends,

Pls click on the below link to access the GR Dtd.31.08.2019 on Extention of  Stamp Duty Penalty Reduction Amnesty scheme . The scheme now will be available upto 31st Dec.2019. The cabinet decision on the same is already shared by me on this blog and through my whatsapp and google updates.

Kindly note that the Amnesty scheme is being extended to cover non residential units i.e shops in a cooperative housing society , however , the private bunglows and the row houses in a CHS, industrial units in industrial estates and units in premises type of  coop society are still kept out of the scheme .

Requesting the eligible and interested persons to take maximum advantage of this extended period .
Any further clarification on the said scheme you may approach me on or call me on 9820053395/53495 between 1 to 2pm please.

CA Shilpa Shinagare
President- V Indus Societies Welfare Association

Saturday, 7 September 2019

CHS Elections Notification 07.09.2019 extention of Existing MC

Dear Friends,

PFA herewith MH Govt Notification Dtd.07.09.2019 extending the term of CHS Managing committee till 31st Dec.2019, in cases where the term of the existing managing committee is over for the CHS with 250 and below members.

As per recent amendment in MCS Act, 1960 , the elections to the CHS with 250 and below members are to be conducted internally as prescribed by rules and till the new rules are introduced specifying the procedure on how to conduct these elections internally, the MH Govt has issued this notification allowing the existing managing committee to continue upto 31st Dec.2019 where the term of the managing committee is over .

Pls access the notification by clicking on the below link.

For further clarification on the same you may reach me on with a subject line " Election Notification" or any other issue .Ur issues should be general anf briefly stated in mail .

You may also call me on 9820053395/53495 between 5 to 7pm and if the call us nonot answered then simply drop a message .

Best Regards
CA Shilpa Shinagare
President - V indus Societies Welfare Association

250 or less than 250 members Coop Housing Society Final Election Rules notified on 07.04.2021

 Dear Readers, The much awaited Final aelection Rules for CHS with 250 or less members is finally notified by the Coop.Dept on 7th April 202...