Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Stamp Duty Penalty Reduction Amnesty Extention GR Dtd.31.08.2019

Dear friends,

Pls click on the below link to access the GR Dtd.31.08.2019 on Extention of  Stamp Duty Penalty Reduction Amnesty scheme . The scheme now will be available upto 31st Dec.2019. The cabinet decision on the same is already shared by me on this blog and through my whatsapp and google updates.

Kindly note that the Amnesty scheme is being extended to cover non residential units i.e shops in a cooperative housing society , however , the private bunglows and the row houses in a CHS, industrial units in industrial estates and units in premises type of  coop society are still kept out of the scheme .

Requesting the eligible and interested persons to take maximum advantage of this extended period .

Any further clarification on the said scheme you may approach me on ssca28@rediffmail.com or call me on 9820053395/53495 between 1 to 2pm please.

CA Shilpa Shinagare
President- V Indus Societies Welfare Association


  1. All the societies are very happy .it was pending for the long time .we are very thankful to you and m.g.

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