Friday, 1 November 2019

Draft Election Rules for CHS less than 250 members open for public objections and suggestions

Dear friends, 

Greetings from CA Shilpa Shinagare !!!

As you all are aware that the elections to managing committee of CHS with 250 or  less than 250 members are postponed till 31st Dec.2019 for the want of Election rules to that effect.

Now, MH Govt.on 25th Oct 2019 has notified the Draft election rules which are open for public objections and suggestions till 25th Nov.2019.

Pls click the below link to access these draft election rules for CHS of 250 or less than 250 members .

Requesting all to please go through the same and reach me on with subject - objection/suggestion  on Draft election rules .

Your suggestions and feedback on my postings and content therein is welcome.

Keep watching me on YouTube and keep following me on my blog

You may reach me on 9820053395/53595 for Ur queries preferably between 2 to 3 pm 

Be happy and be healthy !!!

1 comment:

  1. Election Officer should be appointed by "SOCIETY" and not Managing Committee.


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250 or less than 250 members Coop Housing Society Final Election Rules notified on 07.04.2021

 Dear Readers, The much awaited Final aelection Rules for CHS with 250 or less members is finally notified by the Coop.Dept on 7th April 202...